Safelincs offer a free installation service as well as a free site survey with each 6kg/ltr and 9kg/ltr P50 service-free fire extinguisher purchase, available at extra cost for 2kg/ltr models. Please be advised that prior to installation, we shall ask for your Asbestos Report relating to your premises. If this is something you are unable to provide, we shall ask if the building was built before the year 2000. Please note that if we do not receive this information, we would advise to purchase the P50 Stand as our engineers will not be able to drill on your premises at the time of the visit.

The process is quick and simple, here is the step-by-step guide:

  1. Site Survey: After placing your order we will contact you to arrange your site survey, which will be carried out by one of our certified service engineers. This will identify if your selected extinguishers will provide your property with the correct coverage. Due to the very high ratings of the P50, it is often possible to reduce the number of extinguishers you have on your premises. This site survey will highlight this and we will suggest that you amend your order accordingly, which will save you money.
  2. Installation: We will contact you and book a convenient time with you to install your P50 service-free fire extinguishers. The installation includes wall brackets and wall hanging each extinguisher. If you require stands for your extinguishers instead, we can supply these for you at an additional cost. Please let the engineer know at the time of the site survey.
  3. Certification: Once all extinguishers are installed the service engineer will complete all documentation and certification of your P50 fire extinguishers for you. A signature confirming the completion of the work will be required for this certification. We will also issue you with a letter for your insurance company to inform them of the change in your fire extinguisher provision, ensuring that you remain compliant.
  4. Training of the visual inspection: We will train your staff how to carry out the simple annual visual inspection of your P50 service-free fire extinguishers. Please note that, like for any extinguisher, you still need to do a simple monthly check to ensure that the extinguishers are in the right place, fully charged and undamaged. All visual inspections should be recorded in your log book. Here is a simple free online fire safety log book.
  5. Aftercare: With our award-winning customer service you can rest assured that we will always be here if you have any questions or queries about your P50 service-free fire extinguishers.